Sunday, September 19, 2010

More Photos

Got some spare time late at night on the confounded machine.  Here are some more photos.

The biggest alberge I stayed in, 120 beds in one room.  They have pretend curtain dividers but its still one room.  In space everyone can hear you snore.

A dolce vita moment.  This is the main square in Ponferrada.  A city I would like to visit again.

At the 100 km (to go) way marker.  A happy chappy.

The Cruz de Ferro (Iron Cross), where pilgrims leave behind momentos of home.  A very emotional place.  The highlight of the trip for me.  More about that later.

Way back at the start, market day in St Jean Pied de Port.  Best vegies I´ve ever seen.

The annual Fiesta at Belorado, one of the two fiestas I stumbled upon. 

More walking across the meseta, except they planted some trees.

Some Camino wierdness.

More main street Galicia.

Well that´s it folks.  Yiddeda Yibbeda.

1 comment:

  1. Bob, you must be euphoric! I can't believe how much progress you have made and how much you have blogged since Keith and I last read up on your travels. You would have experienced the Cathedral, the emotion and the imminent homecoming by now - you are no longer the man I was trying to encourgae to walk the Mothers' Day Classic; you're a Superman!! Hope you had your well earned Macattack. Photos and blogs very entertaining. What an amazing achievement! Denise, Keith & Jamie @ 145
